Saturday, February 25, 2006

knock knock.

When u hear a unplanned knock knock on your
door, what do u feel? Excited cause your pizza
is here? Disgusted since your neighbor will
bug u again for your sambal belacan cooking?
Doesn't your heart beats really intense when
that happens? The question is......W-H-Y-?

Ever wonder why people in the elevator/lift
do not talk? I guess people fear that they
are in the black hole and thus, whatever
they say or hear will disappear. Else, they
are in fear that the elevator records all
actions from the larynx movement to the
biceps and triceps reflects action. Is it that
claustrophobia disables people to talk?

Or is it, why should i invest time to get to
know you since i may never bump into you

Since people who live in america move so often,
they do not want to waste time getting to know
their neighbors for they will move in no time and
they may never meet again.

This is a mistake. A big mistake. U need to
understand about long term goal. Getting
to know more people buys you in the
long run unless u are a jerk, u know what
i mean. Never forget about networking.

People know people know people and
so forth. I came across this story and I think
we can learn something from it.

The wife says to the husband. Honey, we
should buy a bundt cake for our neighbor
since they are moving. They bought the
cake and they knocked on the door.
Knock knock. We dropped by to say
good-luck and all the best. Wow it has
been 3 years since u moved into this
neighborhood huh. I am Bill, and this is
my wife, Lisa.

Friday, February 24, 2006


I tell you, the more I think, the more I feel that
there is nothing more truly artistic than to love
Vincent van Gogh

Thursday, February 23, 2006


As I mentioned earlier, my friend from Dallas
came visiting. He is from Malaysia too and his
Malay is worse than mine. Cool!!

I told him how my Malay sucks. I got a P7
during my SPM. My 1st Malay July paper,
I obtained P7 again. 2nd July, I got a P8.
3rd July, I got a F9. A F for my Malay!!

Anyway, out of the blue moon, I explained
the process of US immigration and the green
card thing in Malay. Cool!!

Wisdom for Living.

Life is not so much a matter of position as
of disposition.

The best vitamin for making friends, B1.

If you don't care where you're going, any
road will get you there.

A pint of example is worth a gallon of advice.

He who throws mud loses ground.

Nobody raises his reputation by lowering

Nothing ruins the truth like stretching it.

A smile is an inexpensive way to change your

Ideas won't work unless you do.

The future is purchased by the present.

One thing you can't recycle is wasted time.

Lost time is never found again. e 8:1-3

A hard thing about business is minding
your own.

Triumph is just: umph added to try.

Caution is not cowardly. Carelessness is
not courage.

He who forgives ends the quarrel.

Children need more models than critics.

The pursuit of happiness is a chase of
a lifetime.

If the going gets easy, you maybe going

Change is inevitable, except from a vending

Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

Trash and books.

Yup!! Counting San Diego California.
Also, counting down to pack and to trash whatever
I do not need or recycle them.

1) Gave away a sofa(was given by someone) and
2 end tables + 1 coffee table(was given by someone
as well). Also, the slipcover for the sofa.

2) Sold my granite dining table to a buddy. Hope to
get the same one later when I have 'the chance'.
It's sad to sell this table but I guess I have no choice.
4 guys including myself brought the table to my
buddy who live not too far away, say 100m.
Man....that table is heavy, i think it is around 200kg.

Went for sushi-hama which is all u can eat with
many many cool people. A friend from Dallas visiting
and he had a good time. Good fellowship......

Earlier, I was in Barnes and Noble finished reading
my book, Breaking The Bamboo Ceiling. I need to
finish this book before reporting to Qualcomm, soon.
I hope I can apply the tips and tricks on how to be
"all right to the top". This book is a bridge between
the American corporate culture and the Asian
immigrants. I mean, as immigrants, I think I need to
learn how things work over here and get assimilated
to the corporate world. Let's see if the book really
helps. I need to change a little on how I handle things
the American/Western way. Huh....bless me Oh Lord.

I also bought a very good book, "Come and see" by
Linda Schaeffer. It is a photojournalist's journey into
the world of Mother Teresa. Full of nice photos and
loaded with stories and inspirations. She founded the
Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta India.

The author wrote this dedication;

"Come and see" is dedicated to my late husband,
Ron Campbell who helped me see what was most
important in life - our relationship to God. Our
marriage was brief, but our short life together was
a journey of dedication and love.

And on the last page of the jacket;

Let no one ever come to you without leaving
better and happier - Mother Teresa

Love one another as I have loved you - Quote
of Jesus carved into the gravemarker of
Mother Teresa.

Well, 90% of my trips to Barnes and Nobles cafe
made me buy some books. Good news bad news?

p/s: as Bill was saying, we should be
a better person after watching a movie.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Art and paintings.

My 2nd purchase of paintings were done
yesterday. I have always wanted to have
the painting of Creation of Adam by
Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni.
WOW!! What a name!! One of his famous
paintings on the ceiling at Sistine Chapel.

My first one was The Last Supper painting
by Leonardo da Vinci. It is a nice painting.
Those 2 are obviously a copy. There are
actually 4 kinds of painting u can get from the
store; lithography, serigraph, art print and
giclee print. The giclee print is a copy on
canvas and it looks really really like the
original. Of course, it is the most expensive.
Mine are art print. They looked all right.

So.....what's next? Guernica by Picasso??

Monday, February 20, 2006

First Name. English Name. Christian Name.

I think I am a little tired with names like
John, Dave, Michael, Mike, Bill, Bob, Peter, etc.
No offence all right. Everywhere I go, I will
always meet people with these names.

I feel that the Indo names are pretty cool.
I mean they are different. Names like.....
Mauritzia, Maryani, Yordy, Sisca, Ferliana,
Adesya, Aldo, Siany, etc. How do they
actually come out with these names huh???
Patrick is a cool doubt about it.

Anyway, in my family, my dad's side, we
have pretty cool names too. Let's go......

Matthew (dad)
Cecilia (mum)
Andrew (grandfather)
Mary (grandmother)
Oscar (bro-in-law)
Josephine (sis)
Elise (my niece)
Ludwig ?? (my May2006)
Anthony m Agnes
Joseph m Jacquelynn
Florence m Gabriel
Theresa m Ambrose
Margaret m AB
Gerard m CD
Steven m EF

Those names that are not explained,
they are my dad's siblings. My cousins..


and I don't remember the names of my
other 10-15 cousins. So sad huh!!

If I have kids, they must have cool names,
such as ......


......well, subject to the approval of.....AHEM!!

B-E-A-tiful Sunday.

The morning starts at 10.12am. I woke up and
what is the first thing u do? U open your eyes
right. Anyway, the menu for today is BBQ at
Mt Lemmon with my neighbors across the
Straits of Malacca. Cool!!

We are supposed to meet at around 12.30pm u remember, there are time zones
in the States such as Indo Std Time. We did
not leave Tucson until 1.21pm. Fine!!

Anyway, it was like a convoy....i am serious
man.....4 cars loaded with cool people from
the Republic of Penang and folks from Indo.
There were 16 people. It has been ages since
my last BBQ with so many people and the
most interesting thing is that, I don't really
understand what the BEEP they are talking
about. Cool!!

We are almost at the top of Mt Lemmon.
Before I continue, did anyone remember
that it is still Feb and yes, it is still winter.
Did anyone forget that we will be having
BBQ at 7000ft in the mid-month of Feb
on the Northern Hemisphere on planet
earth? Hello!!

We started to unload all the goodies;
the food and the ladies. We haul all the
stuff to the BBQ spot and by then we
realize that it was kind of breezy.

I checked the weather forecast and the
day time high is 43F while the low is
23F(below 0C). So....after 10minutes,
I started to put on my 3rd layer of
skin and the wind chill gets stronger
and stronger. Here is the fun part.

43F with wind-chill, I think it will be 34F
and this is around 2.32pm. It was too
late when i realized that all my 4 layers
of skin are not helping. I am freezing to
my tibia-fibula and my cerebrum!!

I kind of help to cook some stuff and I
stood by the BBQ pit and it did not help.
I am still freezing. The wind is blowing
from the back since I need to block it.
By then, my butt is .........never mind.

For 20minutes, I stood by the fire and
a lot of food was cooked. We had
chicken drumsticks + liver + heart,
fried bean curd and tilapia. It was BANG
with some sweet soya sauce.

Another 5minutes, I got some food and
headed to my car. I turned on the heater
and boy.... I am glad the car is not too far
away. It was really really cold. My fingers
started to numb and nose is running.

Later, most of the gang headed to their
cars to seek shelter from the bitter cold.

BURP!! BURP!! It was gooood!!

Later, we packed everything and headed
to Ski Valley to take some photos and
took more pictures along the way. It was
still cold........

Driving down the mountain reminds me
of the movie Inition-D. The only thing
is that, in the movie, the guy has to
deliver 2 trays of tofu. The tofu must not
be crushed and the guy needed to deliver
on time. He was fast, really fast.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Thou shalt not steal.

Way to go Steve Jobs................

A hacker encountered the poem recently, and a
copy of it has been circulating on Mac-user Web
sites this week.

Apple confirmed Thursday it has included such a
warning in its Intel-based computers since it
started selling them in January.

The embedded poem reads:
"Your karma check for today:

There once was a user that whined/
his existing OS was so blind/
he'd do better to pirate/
an OS that ran great/
but found his hardware declined./
Please don't steal Mac OS!/
Really, that's way uncool./
(C) Apple Computer, Inc."

Apple also put in a separate hidden message,
"Don't Steal Mac OS X.kext," in another spot for
would-be hackers.

"We can confirm that this text is built into our
products," Apple issued in a statement. "Hopefully
it, and many other legal warnings, will remind
people that they should not steal Mac OS X."

Saturday, February 18, 2006

What is Globalization?

An English Princess,
with an Egyptian boyfriend,
uses a Swedish mobile telephone,
crashes in a French tunnel
in a German car,
with a Dutch engine,
driven by a Belgian driver,
who was high on Scotch,
followed closely by Italian Paparazzi,
on Japanese motorcycles,
treated by an American doctor,
assisted by Filipino para-medical staff,
using Brazilian medicines, dies !!


this blogging was authoured by a
Malaysian living in the US using a
computer made in China.....


this blog will be read by Indonesians,
Singaporeans, Vietnamese, Italians,
Spanish, Chinese, Americans,
Taiwanese, Japanese, Mexicans,
Scandinavians, Indians, etc.

A Walk In The Garden Of Eden

Adam was walking in the Garden with God one day, and
God asked him what he thought of Eve. "She is truly a
wonderful creation," Adam answered. "And I am very blessed
to have her." He asked God if he could ask a few questions.
"Of course," said God. "Eve is so beautiful, God," said Adam.
"Why did you make her so beautiful?" God said, "So you will
always find pleasure in looking at her." Adam said, "Lord, her
skin is so soft. Why did you make her skin so soft?"
God replied, "So you will always want to touch her, of course."
"She always smells so good. Why does she smell so good?"
asked Adam. God said, "So you will always find it pleasing to
be near her." Adam nodded. "She truly is wonderful, Lord,"
said Adam. "I don't want to seem ungrateful, but why did you
make her so stupid?" God replied, "So she would love you!"

I think Jim Carrey is not feeling too well.

I think everybody should get rich and
famous and do everything they ever
dreamed of so they can see that it's not
the answer.
Jim Carrey(from Reader's Digest)

Driving is ........

Carol was talking about her worries. Her worries
about her move to Riverside California(CA). She is
a little freak out on how Californians drive.
I wanted to advise her with these scenarios.

1) SoCA aka Southern California drivers.
Fast and smart(85mph on a 65mph speed limit
with all systems running good)

2)90% Phoenix drivers
Fast and dumb(85mph on a 65mph speed limit
with cerebrum frozen)

3) 90% Tucson drivers
Slow and dumb(30mph on a 35mph speed limit
with cerebrum frozen and on the
1st/left/passing lane trying to figure out
where Walgreens is)
*** Believe me, there are Walgreens every
2miles. Another 5mins and u are there ok.

Now, u know why people in Arizona pays the
most for auto-insurance than the whole nation.
This is the truth, no kiddding. Out of the 10
most dangerous intersections in the US, 2 of
them are in Phoenix Metro.

I think she is better off driving in SoCA aka
Southern California. Come can do
85mph on 65 without getting a speeding ticket.

Me, I tried!! I did 78mph on 40 in Tucson
and was pulled over on Southbound Kino
Parkway. The cop asked me, "Did u think u
drive wrecklessly?" I said, "Yes." after seeing
he wrote it on my ticket. He wrote it and he
asked me, man....

He continued, "Sir, u drove 20mph over the
speed limit and I am afraid u have to go to
court." "What?" (!Que!)

I got 2 offences.
1) Speed above 20mph.
2)Wreckless driving.

I went to the City Court and pleaded guilty.
The judge pardoned me for the wreckless
driving. She said I have to pay for the other
offence. I asked if I could take some classes
and she said no. "Fine!" Later, she gave me
a choice to either pay the $250 fine or do
some community work for 25hrs. I chose
the latter. Thanks Jon!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

We only live once.

We only live once.
We will never know what will happen tomorrow.
We only have this chance to show the world
that we really care for each other.

Now.....make a choice and enjoy some scriptures.

"If your brother sins against you, go and show
him his fault, just between the two of you. If he
listens to you, you have won your brother over.
But if he will not listen, take one or two others
along, so that 'every matter may be established
by the testimony of two or three witnesses.'
If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church;
and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat
him as you would a pagan or a tax collector.
Matthew 18:15-17 (NIV)

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how
many times shall I forgive my brother when he
sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus
answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but
seventy-seven times.
Matthew 18:21-22 (NIV)

Dear children, let us not love with words or
tongue but with actions and in truth.
1 John 3:18 (NIV)

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love
comes from God. Everyone who loves has been
born of God and knows God. Whoever does not
love does not know God, because God is love.
1 John 4:7-8 (NIV)

And he has given us this command: Whoever
loves God must also love his brother.
1 John 4:21 (NIV)

Mission Accomplished @ Capriccio.


11 minutes

Life is ........

Romance Mathematics
Smart Man + Smart Woman = romance
Smart Man + Dumb Woman = affair
Dumb Man + Smart Woman = marriage
Dumb Man + Dumb Woman = pregnancy

Office Arithmetic
Smart Boss + Smart Employee = profit
Smart Boss + Dumb Employee = production
Dumb Boss + Smart Employee = promotion
Dumb Boss + Dumb Employee = overtime

Nice Boss who is Smart = 5% pay raise
Nice Boss who is Dumb = 20% pay raise
Evil Boss who is Smart = i promise you.....
Evil Boss who is Dumb = QUIT!!

Shopping Math
A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she
doesn't need.

General Equations and Statistics
A woman worries about the future until she
gets a husband.
A man never worries about the future until
he gets a wife.

A successful man is one who makes more
money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find
such a man.

To be happy with a man, you must
understand him a lot and love him a little.
To be happy with a woman, you must
love her a lot and try not to understand
her at all.

Married men live longer than single men,
but married men are a lot more willing to

Propensity To Change
A woman marries a man expecting he will
change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that
she won't change, and she does.

Discussion Technique
A woman has the last word in any
argument. Anything a man says after
that is the beginning of a new argument.

How To Stop People From Bugging You
About Getting Married
Old aunts used to come up to me at
weddings, poking me in the ribs and
cackling, telling me, "You're next."
They stopped after I started doing
the same thing to them at funerals.

Yup, this is life.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Creative new jobs.....

Proposal planner.
This agent will help u to plan and organize on
how u want to propose to your gf/bf.
Of course, tell the agent how u want it to be
done. He will get people, place for u to create
the ultimate ambience.

iPod loader.
This agent will help u load your iPod with all
your favorite CDs. Give the agent all your CDs
and all your favorite tracks, and he will take
care the rest.

My favorite All purpose Crushed Tomato in a can.

It comes in a size of 28oz/1lb 12oz/794 grams.
The brand is Cento. The ingredients are, fresh
red ripe tomatoes NOT from concentrate.

Nutrition Facts
Serving size 1/4cup(61g)
Serving per container about 13

Amount per serving
Calories 35 Calories from Fat 0

Total Fat 0g
Saturated Fat 0g (YEAH)
Trans Fat 0g (YEAH)
Cholesterol 0mg (YEAH)
Sodium 20mg (GOOD)
Potassium 180mg
Total Carbohydrate 7g
Dietary Fiber 2g
Sugars 4g
Protein 2g

I always try to get this canned tomato
to make my marinara or bolognese
pasta sauce.

Should check out Supersize Me DVD.
For knowledge.........


Why are there rules and regulations? Why are there
fine prints that u must read?

Well, we study and understand the rules. For some,
they analyse and think-outside-the-box to go around
the rules. They want to go to the edge of the cliff.

Mission Accomplished.


10 minutes

Monday, February 13, 2006

Bolognese Lasagne.

How could I forget about it? I made lasagne.
To be precise, I made Bolognese Lasagne
from scratch. Of course, I bought the
lasagne noodle from the store. Perhaps I
should try to do it from scratch as well.
All I need is, flour, water and egg,
and presto!!

I have made Bolognese over spagetti before
and it was good. Best with fresh grated
parmesan cheese. Yum Yum!!

Anyway, I made twice last Sat and Sun.
Actually I was supposed to do some last
Fri but I could not. Sorry!!

The only problem is that I made a tray
of lasagne of 9"/W x 13"/L x 3"D and I
have quite a lot of left overs. I think I
made too much for a party of 5. I am
warning u guys, u can't eat too much of
lasagne cause they really fill up your
stomach. Worst of all, it stays!!

What does echo gotta do with your life.

I was flipping channels again as usual. Those 70+
channels did not help at all. At one point, I found
a good program. This guy was saying that life is
like an echo. What????

Well, if u are at a vista point over-looking at a
canyon yelling at the top of your voice,
"I am a failure", what do u think will happen
next? After a few seconds, u will an echo,
"I am a failure".

Try to yell again with, "I can do it". What do u
think the echo will be? U are right!! U can hear
the echo, "I can do it".

Sunday, February 12, 2006

I want more time.

Don't u always wish that u have more time? More
time to do this, more time to accomplish that?
I was watching this movie, Frequency, and in
fact last Friday was my 3rd time watching it.
In addition, I have watched Back To The Future
a gazillion times.

The question is, if u have a chance to go to
anytime, yes, ANYTIME, where will u go, when
will u go? I cannot say, go back in time since u
can opt to travel to 2999. Let your imagination
take u.

If u can opt to travel to anytime, u have another
choice. Well, do u want to just see or read what
u see, or, do u want to write/change the past or
alter the future?

Well, bear in mind that, if your grandfather
married someone else, u may not have existed.

For me, if I can travel to anytime, this is what
I want to do.

I want to witness/see:
1) the declaration of Independence.
2) the Last Supper.
3) how I was a brat when I was .... 8.
4) many many events......

I want to change something, that is,
the Industrial Revolution never happen.

Nothing lasts forever in technology.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

McLaren Honda.

I really feel my car is much healthy than the
owner, not because of what I eat but for what
had happened over the last couple of days.
I feel like I am a cripple if I don't have a car.
Besides, it is a pair of legs. In addition, I sort
of, have this phobia that my car will break
down along the interstate esp in the summer.
Never mind..........

Are you ready for it?

Jan 25th:
I drove my car to Chapman Honda for a
oil change. I was there for 45mins. I have
the synthetic oil instead and it is good for
a 97 Accord with 147K miles on it. It's a
old man u know. He still needs to .............

Feb 2nd and 3rd:
I sent my car to JM so that he could look at it
and to fix whatever needed to get fix. When I
picked up my car in the evening, I got the
biggest bill ....... fine!!

Feb 6th:
I took my car to Costco to have a balance and
rotate. Well, they needed 1hr20mins.
So.....I was lured into the wherehouse, again.
What a smart marketing strategy, OR
am I a dumb consumer to fall into this trap?
Anyhow, the service is free and I have
N2(nitrogen) for my tires. That's cool huh.

Feb 7th:
I left my car to BrakeMax for them to do a
4-wheel alignment. I was there from 11.30am
to 1pm. It was reasonable....

So...... I guess I am ready to take my
McLaren Honda to the Thunderbird Speedway.
Wait a minute.....Speedway Blvd will do the trick
else, Interstate 10 from Broadway to Cortaro.

All...........becareful cause there is a
Black Bird SR-71 on wheels!! I better think twice
cause I need to clock another 150K miles on my

I know who I am.

I know I am different.
I know I am unique.
I know I am special.
I know I am ex-ordinary.

I can live without C17H21NO4 and F45A123T67
for a week. After a week, I need some so
that I won't forget how they taste like.

Those are the chemical names for Coke
and Freedom Fries(not true) btw.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Blog of single ladies.

Why ladies today are still SINGLE.

1. The nice men are ugly.

2. The handsome men are not nice.

3. The handsome and nice men are gay.

4. The handsome, nice and heterosexual men are

5. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice
men, have no money.

6. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice
men with money think we are only after their money.

7. The handsome men without money are after
our money.

8. The handsome men, who are not so nice and
somewhat heterosexual, don't think we are beautiful

9. The men who think we are beautiful, that are
heterosexual, somewhat nice and have money, are

10. The men who are somewhat handsome,somewhat
nice and have some money and thank God are
heterosexual, are shy and NEVER MAKE THE FIRST

11. The men who never make the first move,
automatically lose interest in us when we take the


"Men are like a fine wine. They all start out like
grapes, and it's our job to stomp on them and keep
them in the dark until they mature into something
you'd like to have dinner with."



A potluck or potluck dinner is a gathering of people
for a meal where the participants are expected to bring
food to be shared among everyone at the gathering.
These gatherings are often organized by churches and
other community groups since they simplify the meal
planning and distribute the costs among the participants.
Smaller get-togethers may also occur in the form of

Such events can also go by the name "Jacob's join", in
which each participant brings along as much food as he
or she is likely to want to eat, but puts it into a common
stock for the communal meal.

There are no typical dishes in potlucks, the only
commonality in dish is that they are large enough to be
shared among a good portion (but not necessarilly all) of
the anticipated guests.

A variation on potlucks is "rota" meals, short for
rotation. With rota, rather than each person bringing a
dish, participants take turns providing food for the entire
group. For regular potlucks (e.g. daily, weekly or monthly)
amongst a fairly consistent set of participants, this
dramatically reduces the amount of preparation effort
required. One popular and long-standing implementation
of this approach can be found at Sirius, an
intentional community in rural Massachusetts.

The purpose and benefits of potlucks include fun,
socialising, good food, and building healthy community.
Some of the most honest and meaningful communication
can occur over a dinner table.

Potlucks can be combined with other events such as
discussions, screenings, talking circles, walks, meetings, etc.
This can increase the opportunity for effective
communication and tangible outcomes, if that is what is

The word potluck is erroneously said by some to originate
from the Native American term potlatch.

The word potluck dates from the sixteenth century, and
the earliest written citation is 1592 - in England.
(NASHE Four Lett. Confut. Ded., "That that pure sanguine
complexion of yours may never be famisht with pot lucke
It is a portmanteau word formed from pot and luck.

adapted from wikipedia.

It is never popular in Malaysia since most people don't cook.
If they cook, most of them are in the food business. Whenever
I attend a potluck, I always try to bring some food that I
made. I feel guilty if I buy from somewhere. I am serious.
I think it's more fun to bring food from home to share. It's
more healthier and what can be better than home-cook-food.

Remember folks.............

0 (Zero) Trans Fat or
0 Partially Hydrogenated Oil (Zero HO)

IC design

IC design......semiconductor design.......microchip design........

IC = Integrated Circuit

IC = Indian Chinese

how coincidence huh. isn't it true..........

Thanks from the bottom of my heart.

Right now, my 1997 Honda Accord feels like a
2006 Honda Accord although it has 148K miles.
Why? Because the owner. He drives fast...haha!!
In order to drive fast like in the movie,
Inition-D, he has to make sure all is well taken
care of. My car was in the garage for 2 days
and I had my biggest bill again. I want to thank
Mauritzia for letting me use her car. For 2 days,
I managed to complete a lot of errands.
Thanks again!!

Anyway, on Friday afternoon, I finalized on what
I want to do with my backyard. I went to order
14 tons of gravel so that it will create a 2 inch
thickness of gravel and covering the 1670 sq ft of
my backyard. No more the backyard
can be use.

On Sunday morning, they came and delivered
the gravel, a mini dump truck dumping 14 tons
of gravel at my front yard. It is a lot okay!!
All I could say, that is a lot of gravel.

Work start at 1.30pm with 2 wheel barrows
and 4 shovels with some folks and it all ended
at 5.30pm. Everyone seems to be really really
exhausted and the weather was a little warm
and dry. Herein, I would like to thank with the
bottom of my heart to these folks that spent
their sunday afternoon helping me.

Jon, Vincent, Amit, Barath, Bruce, Vi and

Also, to Herbert and Ramesh for letting me
borrow their tools and helping me in one way
or another.

Terima-kasih to all!!

I am back to my back yard to finish levelling
the gravels....

Friday, February 03, 2006

If you can answer this, you are wise.

The more you have, the more you want.

The more you have, the less you’re satisfied.

The more you have, the more people will come after it.

The more you have, the more you realize it does you no good.

The more you have, the more you have to worry about.

The more you have, the more you can hurt yourself by holding on to it.

The more you have, the more you have to lose.

The more you have, the more you will leave behind.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Who do you want to be?

If you are non smoker and you hang out with
smokers, chances are, you will become a
smoker; and vice-versa.

If you are christian and you hang out with
non-christians, chances are, you will become a
non-christian; and vice-versa.

The question is, who do you want to be?

Thanksgiving and Valentine's Day.

Well, Thanksgiving is to remind u to say thanks
to your love ones especially your parents.

Valentine's Day is another day to remind
especially the men to be romantic at least
once a year.

If u oftenly have a good dinner and a good
conversation with your love ones then i guess
these 2 days don't really mean anything.
It's just another day, huh.

Well, it means a lot when you are talking about
the economy. Roses are more expensive than
any other day and flight tickets are more

Do something nice and sweet.............
at least once a year folks!!

1st day not working......Feb 1st 2006.

This is the day. I am temporary out of the corp world
and I feel ...... good. No more cubicles, no more
cappucino vanilla at 2.30pm, no more work and
best of all, no more waking up at 7.30am. Hmm, I
take back the last last 7.30am thing. Since I am at
flexi hours, I usually get to my office around 9am
and that means I usually FINALLY wake up at
8am. The alarm from my cellphone rings at 7am
and me......give "no hue"(don't care in hockkien).

Have a good good sleep since I don't have to worry
about TAPE-OUT(a jargon in IC design) anymore.
So.....what's next? A healthy good old break-fast of
course. I had toasted english muffin with Smart
Balance(0 trans-fat OK) butter and, a cup of
Shamrock chocolate milk. I felt good and healthy
u know.

Next on the list, the lady from REMAX property
management agency came. She checked my house
inside out. Well, I may let this agent take care of
my house as my rental property since I will be
moving to beautiful sunny San Diego California.

She said things are looking very well to rent out
at a reasonable fee and rental. I am thinking about
it. Later, I met up with a friend, V and had Indian
buffet lunch and of course, it was awesome. Traffic
is bad from my house to this restaurant. I think it
took me 45mins to get to the Old Pueblo(Tucson).
Those people.....they should once and for all, drive
like me. It seems like they need to learn how to
drive like a pro, like the people from
Republic of Penang.

After lunch, I went to this place called Frost where
they serve gelato. Gelato is a kind of ice-cream,
italian style ice-cream and of course, it is so GOOD.

Here is some explaination from

What is Gelato?
Translated from Italian, (jeh-lot-o) means literally
frozen. Although gelato is a frozen dessert, the
word frozen does not do justice to explain the
immense flavor and texture.

Gelato is a frozen creamy, ice cream style product,
but this is where the comparison stops. Unlike
American Ice Cream that contains 10-20% butterfat,
gelato contains anywhere from 3-8% butterfat. The
United States Department of Agriculture has
designated that any product under 10% cannot legally
be called ice cream. Seeing as gelato does and will not
achieve these percentages, it will never be able to take
the ice cream name. Gelato is able to keep the low
percentages of butterfat because in our production
we use only 3% milk instead of creams, raw eggs and

Another feature of gelato that separates itself from
American ice cream is the amount of air that is
incorporated into the product. Most American style
ice creams incorporate anywhere from 75-100 % of air.
Gelato, however, incorporates at the most 20%. As a
result, unlike ice cream, gelato is not whipped with air,
therefore the flavors are intensified. The reason being
is that the butterfat acts as a dam; it actually dilutes
or blocks the flavors.

What does all of this information mean? Simply, gelato
is the most intense, silky, dense, cool, and flavorful
"ice cream style" product that will hit your lips. The
flavor is simply indescribable. As a result of its low
butterfat, it is much healthier than American ice cream.

Now you know another reason why Americans are
struggling with obesity. Anyway, I head home and
take....... mi siesta de la tarde(my nap in the
afternoon in spanish). A B-E-A-U-tiful day.

Later in the evening, F came over for dinner. I made
some curry chicken, stir fry Bok Choy and watercress
soup. It was an awesome dinner of course. As I
mentioned earlier, a good dinner with your loved ones,
what else do u need, huh? It's Valentine's Day u know!!

PTL for a purr-fect day.