Monday, February 20, 2006

B-E-A-tiful Sunday.

The morning starts at 10.12am. I woke up and
what is the first thing u do? U open your eyes
right. Anyway, the menu for today is BBQ at
Mt Lemmon with my neighbors across the
Straits of Malacca. Cool!!

We are supposed to meet at around 12.30pm u remember, there are time zones
in the States such as Indo Std Time. We did
not leave Tucson until 1.21pm. Fine!!

Anyway, it was like a convoy....i am serious
man.....4 cars loaded with cool people from
the Republic of Penang and folks from Indo.
There were 16 people. It has been ages since
my last BBQ with so many people and the
most interesting thing is that, I don't really
understand what the BEEP they are talking
about. Cool!!

We are almost at the top of Mt Lemmon.
Before I continue, did anyone remember
that it is still Feb and yes, it is still winter.
Did anyone forget that we will be having
BBQ at 7000ft in the mid-month of Feb
on the Northern Hemisphere on planet
earth? Hello!!

We started to unload all the goodies;
the food and the ladies. We haul all the
stuff to the BBQ spot and by then we
realize that it was kind of breezy.

I checked the weather forecast and the
day time high is 43F while the low is
23F(below 0C). So....after 10minutes,
I started to put on my 3rd layer of
skin and the wind chill gets stronger
and stronger. Here is the fun part.

43F with wind-chill, I think it will be 34F
and this is around 2.32pm. It was too
late when i realized that all my 4 layers
of skin are not helping. I am freezing to
my tibia-fibula and my cerebrum!!

I kind of help to cook some stuff and I
stood by the BBQ pit and it did not help.
I am still freezing. The wind is blowing
from the back since I need to block it.
By then, my butt is .........never mind.

For 20minutes, I stood by the fire and
a lot of food was cooked. We had
chicken drumsticks + liver + heart,
fried bean curd and tilapia. It was BANG
with some sweet soya sauce.

Another 5minutes, I got some food and
headed to my car. I turned on the heater
and boy.... I am glad the car is not too far
away. It was really really cold. My fingers
started to numb and nose is running.

Later, most of the gang headed to their
cars to seek shelter from the bitter cold.

BURP!! BURP!! It was gooood!!

Later, we packed everything and headed
to Ski Valley to take some photos and
took more pictures along the way. It was
still cold........

Driving down the mountain reminds me
of the movie Inition-D. The only thing
is that, in the movie, the guy has to
deliver 2 trays of tofu. The tofu must not
be crushed and the guy needed to deliver
on time. He was fast, really fast.


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