Thursday, January 31, 2008

what the h*ll is PERIOD.

my co-worker was showing me some stuff. i was typing on what
he was telling me until he ended with PERIOD. somehow, i typed DOT.
he was like, stunned ..... what are you doing. afterwards, i asked him;
what is this PERIOD that you are trying to tell me. all of these happened
like in a reflects action where PERIOD just did not register to my
grey-thing-in-my-cranium. he pointed to my keyboard where the
PERIOD is and he looked confused. i was embarrassed and i told him,
for some reason, i knew what a PERIOD is until then. i explained to
him that i was born with a FULL-STOP. at times, PERIOD is just
belongs to the X-FILES.

internet is down. is that good news or bad news to u? (FLAG)

ha..... can we live without the internet? my first initial thought is;
what would happen to the world if the internet is down a week.
if i blog more on this subject, i think i can come up with a movie.
i will talk to John Williams for his music and steven spielberg for
directing. it will sure be a big blockbuster.

no emails. yahoo!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Happy Birthday to myself.

Happy Birthday to Fanny.

mine is on the 12th and hers is on the 17th.
ha.... i wonder what she got for her birthday present.

she bought me a All-Clad Stainless 10-Inch Fry Pan.


yeah sure..... u know what that means when someone
buys u a fry pan.

i had a dream.

i had a dream.

i was at this place. this place was like a loft with a big room and some
huge pillars with high ceiling. then i saw some things dropped to
the floor. i bent down and they were a couple of the fuses for the
oil candle.

i could remember clearly i was like 8 to 10 years old. my late
mum's mum back in malaysia will always get a glass, fill it with
water and then add some oil. later, she will put the fuse which is
attached to a cork and then the thing will float. she will then light
the fuse and it will keep burning until the oil runs out. those are
for religious prayers. yeah, sometimes i will help her to prepare the
oil candle and she will light them. later, i will help her bring them
to the altar. i will help her refill with more oil sometimes. she
complains a lot about the missing fuses since the mice like to steal

anyway, i picked them up and at this point, things are like super
slow-motion. i slowly picked them up and turned around and saw her.
she looked like the way she was. her hair was well groomed. her clothings
were clean and tidy. her warmth appearance is always there. i would say,
she looked exactly the same like i used to see her when i was a child.
i gave the fuses to her and gave her a hug. upon hugging her, i cried. then
i felt my pillow is getting damped and that's when i woke up..... still crying.
i was like...... WOW...... it was so real.... i saw her!!

she is the one that protects me when i get beat up by my mum. she
evens quarrels with my mum that she was too ferocious when my mum
beat my sister and me. i tried to call my aunty earlier to explain to her but
she did not pick up the phone. let me call my mum tonite.

Friday, January 18, 2008

can u buy me lunch today?

i wanna shoot myself on my feet. this is the 2nd consecutive
friday that i forgot to bring my wallet. i did not realize that
i left my wallet at home until i am on my way to my office and
half way there. ID, no $, no visa, no mastercard, etc ....
all this happened after i cleaned up my "library" and get rid of all
the junk knick-knacks and rearranging some stuff. i thought
i had this in mind that, never leave home without;

1) keys
2) cellphone
3) wallet
4) water
5) jacket
6) post-it
7) pen
8) eating "bible"
9) anti-bacterial wipes
10) good CDs
11) cyber-shot camera
12) camcorder

i think that's all. i think i should take a photo of these things.

oh well, hey marty, may i borrow $10 please.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

i should get a SmartForTwo.

it's good to have lunch with co-workers. it's even better since
we always avoid the food from the cafeteria. sometimes we
will walk to our favorite deli place which is a nice 10mins
walk from our office. otherwise, we will drive somewhere.

however, there is a small problem. A and B drives a mustang
and if u know, it's a 2 seater sports car. it's way too uncomfortable
for 2 people to sit behind. i had it once and i felt i was like those
canned sardines. it's way too tight. C drives a normal pickup.
when i say a normal pickup, that means there is only 2 door and
they can only seat 2 people. it also comes with a 6ft bed and the
bed is not for you or me to sit. D drives an old RX-6 and it's a
compact sports car and of course, it only seats 2; way too tight in
the rear seats. E drives a corolla but it's always in a mess in the
back seat. F drives a 4dr bimmer and he drives like a maniac.
G drives a 4dr acura. i drive an old 4dr accord. again, the little
problem comes since F & G seldom joins us for lunch. they would
prefer to get something from the cafeteria. if u are still following
the story, the only eligible person with a decent 4dr car is me
and it could actually seat 5. now, u do the math.