i enjoyed these 2 movies very much. why?
Mr Anderson aka Neo and Truman Burbank questioned their world
and they successfully found the real truth.
They kept asking themselves about the world they live in.
is that the world that they will accept for what it gives and be happy with it.
day after day they challenge the authority. they challenged themselves by
having reflectings about their lives and the meaning of truth.
they finally took the move. they finally made the first step and the 2nd and
so forth and the real truth unfolds.
this phrase stucks me all the time and i would like to share it with you....
when the going gets easy, we are going downhill.
how true is that!!
when we surf the net all day in our office month after month doing our
personal stuff and do u think you can get a promotion? well, do u think u can
even keep your job?
do u know what is the greatest challenge for a obese person to lose weight?
it's the first step, which is taking themselves to the gym.
let's talk about comfort zone.
we are too comfortable with out lives by having a nice home, a good job,
a lovely spouse, a porsche, etc and this is when the comfort zone kicks in.
we forgot to question ourselves, why are we here? we are too busy enjoying lives.
who am i?
why am i here?
how did i get here?
how did it all began?
where am i?
what do i want?
where do i want to go?
what's going to happen next?
it's time to ask the right questions....... ask them NOW.
i am seeing the real USA.
i am a better Catholic than ever.
why? i asked myself the right question. i took the 2nd step and everything falls
into its place so far......