the catch is u have to move the house since the land
will be converted to the army camp. in addition,
the house is historical and said to be haunted.
anyway, we encounter many things in life that
free food during a lunch meeting. free this and that after
mail-in-rebate. buy one get another free. the question is,
are we really happy with all the freebies? do we really
need them? since our friends got them for free, we'll just
follow their foot-steps.
i remember Office Depot used to give away blank CD-R. in
other words, u pay $20 and after the mail-in-rebate, it's
free. i was so happy with that. imagine, 100 black CD-R and
it's FREE. burn all u want!! the jewel case, mouse, etc.
the only problem with those mail-in-rebate is u need to
follow up since u will only receive the check in a month or
two and most people kinda forget about it. i was so kiasu
that i xeroxed copies of all the mail-in-rebate and keep
track of them. well, all the checks came. hehehe......
United States......
land of the brave
home of the fee
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