Tuesday, September 26, 2006

buy an island.

the more i think about US and Malaysia, the more frustrated
i am. i was watching The Tonight Show and he interviwed
Johnny Depp. He bought an island in the carribeans. that is
so cool. i think that's what i'm going to do.

buy an island!!

1) make sure that when high tide comes, it doesn't disappear.
2) 3km by 3km. lots of banana tree, coconut tree & durian tree.
3) complete with helipad, runway for small planes.
4) a pier for yatch.
5) a chinese restaurant headed by chen kenichi.
6) a sushi restaurant headed by masaharu morimoto.
7) a french restaurant headed by hiroyuki sakai.
8) a malaysian restaurant headed by chef wan.
9) it comes with the pg rd cendol stall.
10) a small chapel with Fr Khee Kit.
11) a White house.
12) a SuperWalmart.
13) a Barnes & Noble bookstore.
14) national anthem of Fresh Island.
15) the crew of Futurama and Planet Express Ship.
16) a Bush rehab center.
17) a brewing facility to make nairud, a beer from durian.
18) like 17............to make ananab, a beer from banana.

i should call up Johnny Depp or Tiger Woods for other pointers.

All welcome. Don't worry, u don't need a visa, says the President.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The crew of Futurama? Bender drinking durian beer? A recipe for disaster.

12:38 AM  
Blogger just2it said...

Bite my metal shining a55.

9:56 AM  

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