Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Introduction To Intimacy on a Monday.

A good day.....I know......it's a Monday, how can it be a good day.

1) MCFS confirmed that she found a place to live in Mira Mesa
and she will be here soon.

2) license plate for my car.....
now, CA/DMV-JUST2IT (can u believe that???)

I sent her off at the aiport this morning and I made her almost missed
her flight. We planned to arrive at the airport at 7am but instead, 7.30am
for her flight at 8.15am. She made it!! I should be shot to death huh!!

I was planning to go to office after sending her to the aiport but I head home.
I got home around 8.15am and took a nap. Yeah...I know... Anyway, I got
up at 9.15am and head to my office. Cool huh. I am glad I chill out since
I was so busy in the afternoon.

I went to the DMV to pick up my JUST2IT and today, I just realized that
people in SoCA(Southern California) drive freaking fast. I was on 805-S
and around 85mph and yet, people passed me. I think they were at 90-95mph.
The speed limit is 65mph. Traffic was really really fast this afternoon.
I wonder why/how I noticed, today. I wonder.

Anyway, I attended a workshop on Intro to Intimacy today from 7 to 9pm
and it was a good workshop. The talk was given by a prof from UCSD. He
referrenced 2 books.

1) Passionate Marriage by David Schnarch

2) The Seven Levels of Intimacy by Matthew Kelly

There are 4 kinds of intimacy:

1) Emotions intimacy

2) Intellectual intimacy

3) Spiritual intimacy

4) Physical intimacy

We need to have 1,2 & 3 before #4. The reason is because, 1, 2 & 3 are
like the cake and #4 is the icing and deco. # 4 is basically a add-on and it
has a limits. A failure in marriage for most cases is due to an imbalance
of those 4 elements. In other words, begin with #4, you are D-O-O-M.

Some interesting questions during the workshop.
1) Do I jump from one relationship to another?

2) Does a relationship completes me?

3) Do I want a relationship or do I need a relationship?

4) Who am I without a partner? Who am I with a partner? What is a partner?

5) How many ways can I be intimate with my partner?

6) How is my prayer life while I am in a relationship?

Remember: Intimacy in not physical intimacy.


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