Wednesday, May 02, 2007

my friendly odometer and speedometer.....

yup...... it's 170,000 miles...... i bought this car when it was 51,000 miles in Sept 2001.
that translates to.....i drove 119,000 miles in 5 1/2 years.

argument #1:
how much time have i spent sitting on the driver's seat?

argument #2:
how much pollution have i created?

argument #3:
what was in my mind all this time when i was driving?

argument #4:
how much time did i spent talking on the phone while driving?

argument #5:
how much did i spent on gas?

argument #6:
how much did i spent maintaining this vehicle?

argument #7:
how many people did i pissed off while i was driving?

argument #8:
how many people pissed me off while i was driving?

argument #9:
how many bugs did i killed when i drove?

argument #10:
how many times did i went passed the speed limit?

argument #11:
what was i thinking when i zoomed beyond the speed limit?

argument #12:
when will it hit 200,000miles?

argument #13:
when will it hit 250,000miles?

argument #14:
when will it hit 300,000miles?

argument #15:
when will it hit 350,000miles?

argument #16:
when will it hit 400,000miles?

well...... i need my KFC and it's 5mins drive away.


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